Photos chosen from the four seasons cluster smartly in corporate hallways, over lobby credenzas, on opposing walls in conference rooms, or above a residential fireplace. New England Winter landscapes are monochromatic, encouraging Photographer Jack McConnell to concentrate on composition. Spring reveals a riot of color, while Summer is more sedately green. Fall allows us one last gasp of color to fortify us against the icy blast of winter.
Stoddard Hill State Park, Ledyard
Matson Hill orchard, Glastonbury
Tulips at Elizabeth Park
Woods in Glastonbury
Flowering apple trees, Glastonbury
East Windsor red barn
Covered bridge in Simsbury
Apple orchard Matson Hill Road, Glastonbury
Cotton Hollow stream, Glastonbury
Birch trees in spring
Field of lupine
Wild flowers and black-eyed Susans